Target groups at the airport

Profile of air passangers

The airport’s unique and inspiring advertising environment provides the best channels to internationalisation, purchasing power and active consumers. At the airport you reach the most interesting consumer profile in Finland in terms of both values and commercial potential.


At the airport's customers have excellent purchasing power. Target groups emphasized at the airport include following:

  • highly educated,
  • high-income and
  • employees in decision-making and leading positions.


High-income Finns are emphasized at the airport:

  • 24% of airport visitors earn EUR 50,001–100,000.
    The income level emphasis is over double when compared with the entire population.¹
  • 2% of airport visitors earn over EUR 100,000.
    The income level emphasis is approximately quadruple when compared with the entire population.¹

Finnish air passengers are more interested than average in culture, fashion, beauty care and personal development, they are more likely to make investments, own their home and have insurance. For example, we know that 72% of air passengers own the apartment they live in. 35% of air passengers have more than one car in their household and they are also more likely to prefer more expensive cars when compared with others.¹

The airport is a unique B2B media:

  • According to a survey commissioned by Finavia, people in managerial positions and experts
    are emphasized among the customers of Helsinki Airport.
  • A survey we commissioned from Kantar Media¹ supports this claim:
    40% of Finnish business travellers are responsible for procurement.

The airport is Finland's largest B2B media environment, so it is an absolute must for advertisers seeking business decision-makers. You will emphasise reaching employees in decision-making and leading positions. If you wish, you can maximize your impact on B2B decision-makers by targeting your advertisement to a certain area or time of day.

SOURCE: 1. Kantar Media - Air Passenger Profile Survey, April 2023​.




LAS demografiat ENG 2023




Which leisure facilities have been visited in the past month:

  • 67% have eaten lunch in a restaurant
  • 32% have visited a café
  • 55% have eaten at a restaurant in the evening
  • 45 % have visited a fast food restaurant
  • 42% have had a drink/beer in a restaurant
  • 26% have visited the cinema


The following leisure facilities are emphasised among Finnish air passengers*:

  • Restaurant (evening), index 190
  • Payed sporting event, index 173
  • Having a drink/beer in a restaurant, index 169
  • Movies, index 151
  • Dance restaurant/night club), index 150
  • Restaurant (lunch), index 120

What other destinations have been visited in the last 12 months:

  • 49% have visited a museum
  • 33% have visited the theater
  • 33% have gone to art exhibitions 
  • 30% have gone  to a rock or pop concert 
  • 27% have gone to a fair
  • 15% have visited the opera/a classical music concert

The following destinations are emphasised among Finnish air passengers*:

  • Opera/classical music concert, index 198
  • Museums, index 162
  • Rock or pop concert, index 161
  • Art exhibition, index 156
  • Fairs, index 141
  • Theater, index 132
*Statistically significant highlight has an index of at least 120.
Kantar Media - Air Passenger Profile Survey, April 2023